Monday, October 11, 2010

Foggy Redwoods and Rocky Coastlines: Roadtrip to Fern Canyon Oct. 8-11

    Along the way to Fern Canyon, my father and I explored the foggy Redwood forests and rocky coastal regions that clutter Northern California's coastlines. These are some photos that I took on the drive north through the Avenue of the Giants and Redwood National Forest.
    1. Falling couldn't have been easy for this Redwood; it must have taken a mighty lightning storm for  this tree to fall down--that's my best guess. These sequoias found along the coast grow to monstrous proportions, and I sometimes felt as though I would be swallowed whole by these whale-like trees. In fact, it was rare to even see the top of some of these towers..
    2. Roaming the grassy beaches, elk were extremely common along the drive to Fern Canyon. As friendly as the creatures looked, the park rangers cautioned us to maintain a safe distance between the animals and our Jeep. As we drove along, they peered curiously at us through their timid eyes.
    3. This photo illuminates the tranquility of the grasslands in which the elk roamed. My father couldn't help but fall in love with the silence.
    4. Inside the canyon, spiral trees decorated the fern covered corridor. These strange abnormalities reminded me of the bizarre world of Alice in Wonderland; I pondered the irrationalities of the blue highlighted birds that stalked us and the bear claw prints that remained intact on the murky creek bottom. Perhaps nature isn't always what we expect it to be..
    5. Fern Canyon as the marine layer sulks into the coast line..
    In conclusion to my photo journalism, my main hope was to illuminate the hidden beauty and irrationality of nature. Fern Canyon is a beautiful example of how we must embrace the "abnormalities" that nature presents us with. Instead of destroying these masterpieces with deforestation, we must preserve what is left of nature.. not dismiss it just because its different, or bizarre.

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